Its a juggling act!

So last night, on the night of the Glamour Awards there were no fancy spots to check out or a #OOTD whilst I wrote this – It was my D&G pjs (no not that D&G, my David & Goliath ones), chai, my fur babies & trusty iPad, along with some motivation, from me to you!

A year ago when I decided (with a lot of persuasion 😉 from my amazing man) I was going to follow my passion & pursue my events dream, I knew it was going to be tough, and trust me, it’s been tough…but I can assure you the experience thus far continues to teach me, enlighten me & push me in the direction of turning my every dream into a reality…

It’s a juggling act, trying to balance entrepreneurship, studying & racing against time, with the pending move from My City (loving this track by Toya Delazy & Cassper Nyovest) to the Mother City!

It can be overwhelming but the trick is to remember “How do you eat an Elephant? One bite at a time!” So one step at a time & one day at a time, when you’re feeling overwhelmed & under pressure with deadlines & exams looming & all that your glorious life has to throw at you.

According to Entrepreneur Magazine, we are working harder, sleeping less & have more stress in our lives than ever before.

I’ve found that preparation is the key – whether you make notes in a diary (see Typo for the cutest ones) or electronically on your iPad – Make notes – so you don’t forget important stuff when it all becomes manic. A to-do list is not overrated, I find it’s necessary.

Time management is just as important. Sure load-shedding or traffic jams sometimes throw a spanner into the works (ah the petrolhead that is me – I think my next blog should be on something motor related) but managing your time properly will actually help you maximize productivity in the hours of your day. It will help you find the time you need for your studies or help you with scheduling those meetings, updating your website or social media platforms.

Keep distractions to a minimum. Our world is a digital one so mobile phones & social media, the buzz words, are necessary. You can however always turn your phone onto “do not disturb” when warranted & prioritize –  if you don’t need to type an urgent post onto Face Book or Twitter or share that picture on Instagram, don’t. Finish a task & then “reward” yourself with some personal posting, updating Face Book or adding a few new pins on Pinterest.

It’s difficult for me to keep my furry distractions away from me…they always want to sleep exactly where my keyboard should be…we won’t even discuss the mouse 😉

Stay hydrated, keep a bottle of fresh water at your workspace (Consol have the coolest grip & go bottles & going green is cool so get one today!) Open a window instead of the aircon. Your skin will love you for it!

Get up & walk around the office or go outside to stretch those legs a bit. Sitting for long periods of time is not healthy & whilst outside taking a time out, you could come up with your next best idea!

It’s the little things that help keep you energized & raring to tackle your projects.

Most importantly though, relax & give 100% of your attention to each task individually as opposed to 50% on 2 tasks concurrently. I don’t believe in multitasking… It’s debatable, however my opinion.

Remember the goal, work smart, focus & believe…You can achieve it all, if you want it badly enough!

Please feel free to share your tips on juggling with me 🙂

Until next time, I leave you with these words from Harry Potter “Working hard is important, but there is something that matters even more, Believing In Yourself”

Its a juggling act being a student & entrepreneur amidst a move! Tonight I have my essentials :)

Its a juggling act being a student & entrepreneur amidst a move!
Tonight I have my essentials 🙂

 Nadia xo xo

Ps. No Elephants were harmed in the making of this blog 😉